Wednesday, October 13, 2010

UFO Witnesses

UFO Witnesses

This documentary of intelligence, military, government and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their stories which disclose one of the greatest cover ups in world history. Explosive testimony by insiders prove that UFOs are real, and that super-secret programs have energy and propulsion technologies which easily enable travel to the Moon and Mars.

It should be noted that these are NOT interstellar aliens as Star Wars and Star Trek portray, but are in fact fallen angelic beings called devils in the Bible. The fallen angels or sons of God of Genesis 6 have been visiting the Earth from before the Flood of Noah. They are ruthless liars. They are a major part of the end time delusion that is quickly coming upon the world. They have likely provided technology to unscrupulous men, and placed structures on the Moon and Mars as part of a great deception. Recovered living and dead aliens are are actually transgenic hybrids manufactured by devils. Angels cannot be killed, but will eventually be disposed of by God Almighty.

(See below the video, The Forth Kind for more Biblical information)



  1. Swirling=666 Formation=666 In The Fields=666 |Sumerian Gematria,a=6 b=12 c=18....z=God156

    1. Believing this to be coincidence, impossible for me.I see no way it could be.
