Ivan Panin's Numerics

One of the most widely quoted of Ivan Panin's examples is the features of seven in the first verse of Genesis. There are 13 independent instances of the number seven found in the first verse of the Word of God in the original Hebrew.
These instances of sevens in Genesis 1:1 are listed here:
1. The verse contains seven words in the Hebrew (7).
2. These words contain 28 letters (=4 x 7).
3. The first three words, the subject and the predicate of the sentence contain 14 letters (=2 x 7).
4. Each of the two objects has seven letters (7).
5. The numeric value of the only verb in the verse, created, is 203 (=29 x 7).
6. The three nouns, God, heavens, earth together contain 14 letter (=2 x 7).
7. The total value of these remaining four words is 924 (=132 x 7).
8. The place value of these four words is 147 (=21 x 7).
9. The middle word and the word before it, together contain seven letters (7).
10. The middle word and the word after it, together contains seven letters (7).
11. The numeric value of the first, middle and last letters in this verse is 133 (=19 x 7).
12. The numeric value of the first and last letters of all seven words in this verse is 1393 (=199 x 7).
13. The first and last letters of the first and last words have a numeric value of 497 (=71 x 7).
In addition to these 13 features found by Panin, Andrew Harris found an additional independent instance of the number seven in Genesis 1:1.
Harris also found that there are a total of 41 independent features in this verse. That means there are 27 independent features that are not of seven, and 14 independent instance of seven in Genesis 1:1.
So what is the chance of getting 14 features of seven out of a total of 41? The mathematical formula to calculate this gives is the quite remarkable answer of one chance in 7,143.
The sevens in one verse alone is proof that the Bible was written by the all knowing Creator of the universe, and there are many other verses with this and other kinds of mathamatical patterns in the Word of God.
Ivan Panin's Numerics
Panin works:
The New Testament in the Original Greek (A questionable Greek Text)
The Number Seven (PDF)
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